Thursday, February 28, 2008
After being complained by our how how tht i m not responsible for not caring da 38 society by not blogging recently...sorry ya members...esp to wei loon, da creator of this masterpiece..pretty busy n lazy recently..from preparing to cambodia...den to cambodia trip..den now busy preparing for my party..thx alot everyone here for willing to spend a few hours with me dat day..thx alot ya..reali appreciate..hmm..wad shud i say in tis post? juz tell bout my trip to cambodia la..dat trip is not least been to one of da new seven wonders of da world..angkor wat..n another place of interest tonle sap lake..biggest man made lake...remember? v learned tis in our geography last time..hmm..cambodia is reali a poverty stricken country..reali feel fortunate to be here..thtz all bout my trip la..
Now, bout my job..hmm..same old complain like yj n hc..last two days reali feel like giving up..reali feeling to pretend u noe everything infron of 40 students..tok in fron urself without any audience like alien u c..sigh..sien hearing complains from students face to face..finally homework not up to date ALWAYS!!..reali wad da heck!! anyway..i ve tink thoroughly..perhaps i m not reali into tis NOBLE profession like voon, yj, wl, hc..wad i think is s long as i complete my responsibility n do wadeva i can to help..if dey dun accept..thts it..cant be bothered..obviously teacher will not be my careeer..sigh..thtz all for now..gtg to bed..c you guys on fri ya..
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Today is 26th of February 2008...
Guess what....J
ust another few more days our baby mushroom girl will be celebrating her 5th birthday..
So every1,have u all think what wishes that you are going to say to this birthday girl on that day?...
Think of it...
Everyone should think of a different wishes....
Remember, cannot be the same!!!...
A no for " happy birthday" because this will be my wish...
if u think this earlier on, then change your mind and think again..
Today YJ and i went to pavillion to pay a visit at KL...
Looking at the environment and his collegues, no doubt he is having a great time there..
He is Still a shameless person who always say himself handsome...
And he still has a big and wide mouth...
Being a person who has high self confident and self esteem, at last he has to surrender to both of us( YJ & HC)we teased him and giv him some face to look at until he feelsorry for himself...
In my school , all sorts of things is happening....
The four teacher from st john are having their own problems and enconuters to cope with..
having myself to teach the standard two maths,standard 3 and 4 bahasa malaysia is a great challenge...
Everyday i have to face a class of students who hate Bahasa Malaysia
and a group of students who likes to go againts the teacher ..
Sometimes as is i am talking and teaching myself in the class..
Just give myself some times and i believe i will handle these all properly...
Having have to hear complaints from siao huoy and yi juin ,
proven that teaching is a challenge that is hard to be taken...
But once we manage to handle it, nothing is beyond our reach....!!!!!
Today quite happy o...
cos somemone got give me a small praise o.
I am described as a person who has himself lock with lots of locks...
nothing and nobody can change my decision and unlock me..
But at last i am told that i have unlock some of my locks myself...more optimisic...
how cheh
yj always like my mum ... always dun let me eat sweets ... but she eats alot .. hahaha
always dun let me do this do that ...
she's jus like a mum takin care of a bunch of babies ...
then i think of sh ... always disturb by me .. and she'll have very funy reaction ...
jus so funny ... and she'll be very excited bout foods ... hahaha
and the two persons that sit beside me ....
wl like so so hardworkin .. which gives me so much of pressure ...
and he always sing ni bu zhai
hc pulak ... have same prob as me ... always talk bout those craps ... hahaha ..
he oso kinda funny .. abit abit merajuk ... hahahaha
n kf n cf .... u all know la ... yuen yong !!!
lastly ... support local music industry !!! HUJAN !!!!
today..i face another challenge...
i met a class that being pampered too much by their form teacher..
i am not saying that their teacher is wrong..maybe it's juz our way of teaching is different..
i cant deny that she's a good teacher..caring..passionate..we are quite fren after all..coz we share the same class..5D which was the last class(that made me vomit blood)..
as wat she told me, she had spent one year time to know all d characters of her students..and use one year time to conquering their hearts..
this was her principes... start conquering student's heart first be4 wanting them to do their responsibilities..such as doing their homework..
for me..i was a traditional person..did well, i will praise; do wrongly, i will punish..if u want me to care more..i definitely will require u to complete ur responsibilities 1st such as..finish ur homework...
the funny thing is..i discover that my stand was completely contrary wif hers..
on Monday(the day i post that self improvement blog )..i scolded them..badly i admit..maybe i was so dissapointed wif their act..till speak up something too strongly...i said..if u all still wan keep up wif tis kind of attitude..u all will end up being "rubbish"...sincerely i juz wan to wake them up..i have told them how many times ...i won give up teaching them,as long as they wan to study..i even offer free tuition after school..teaching them homeworks...guidelines..
but..maybe they was shocked by wat i said that day..or maybe i make them feel tat i am scolding them rubbish!!! my god..i really din mean tat at all..
today which i tot will be a good day..suddenly turn cloudy..when i heard from their form teacher..tat they complain about me..saying tat i scold them "rubbish"..
i nearly heart attack...when i heard heart was so pain after i did so much of hard work..paying so much of effort..juz for their class..not other class..
there's a chinese saying..when u hope bigger, u will be more dissapointed...i completely experience this sayings..
u know what they say to their form teacher? "teacher, i know we are wrong for not completing our homework, but it;s too much if she(me) scold us rubbish!my parents also never scold me like this"...-.-..anger,dissapointment...and much more feelings appeared after i listened to this STATEMENT..
WHAT HAVE I DONE????? did i scold them rubbish???i never mean it at all..
but this is still d beginning...u know wat their form teacher told me?
their chinese understanding was so poor that they cant interpret well of wat u talking..she(form teacher) used to tell SOFT words to them..even when they do wrong...she will call one by one...and praise them 1st be4 scolding..use SOFT stategy is her best way of teaching..
conclusion???tat teacher suggest me to d class,,becoz..the teacher say, she used to teach them..when they do wrong, they muz admit and apologize..this rules same goes to TEACHER=me.....
hahaha...i was so miserable at tat moment...did i wrong? i apologize??? y ler??
i know i am a temporary teacher..(but..if i were d form teacher...i will ask my student..be4 u complain, PLZ ask urself did u do wrong?? will d teacher scold u on purpose?y not u all try to finish ur homework and c what will d teacher say?...)
however, maybe this is juz d way i comfort myself..i am still me..yijuin that still need to solve this problems...
maybe i can blame the students..maybe i can blame d form teacher that made those students used to be pampared..but no matter who i blame...the problem will be worsen..
today..i spent d whole day thinking what shud i do...APOLOGIZE?
or else?
this was a very hard day for me and tough decision for me to made...after talking and seeking advice from my few frenz..(actually juz complaining)..i still feel helpless..
FINALLY come till d end of d day..which i cant run away anymore...i decided to do something which i think may result in something...but this result..maybe EXTREMELY DIFFERENT..the effect juz either will be very good or VERY BAD...
i dun wan to say anything bout tat here today...juz wan to do it myself, my way..since i know myself so long, knowing that i may be influenced by any external factor..i juz DECIDE to DO IT's simply a war between me and the students...which i hope we both gain benefits at d end...
i am so sorry ,my fren...i have no other place to express my feelings but juz here..where we share our problems, i am juz actually typing out all d problems and feelings that i am facing and bothering my mind...juz hope to write it out and make it clearer for myself...i apologize if i bored u all..let's c wat can i do to overcome this challenge MYSELF..i am 19 going to be's time to be independant...
hope tat our 38 spirit will help me in my tomorrow's war..frenz..hope tat i would bring u all good news^^..
anyway, i'd like to stop here..
nite..again..sweet dreams..
a girl that hoping and trying to be a good teacher
Monday, February 25, 2008
self improvement..
today was a special day to me...y do i called it SPECIAL?
haha..i also dunno...juz tat in this day..i experience alot of feelings and inspired to think alot..
today...i was so dissapointed wif my students and myself..
i long as u be patient and kind..ppl surely will experience it and start to pay back..
but seems like things are not following this rules..
i tot i did a lot for my students..but end up they still refuse to do their homework..
i tot i inspired them..but actually maybe they are juz pretend to listen..
i tot i treat someone very well..but maybe i am juz pressuring him..
many many things..i tot i did it d best in my way..but actually this maybe mean different for others...maybe i shudnt be so selfish...
today i was very unhappy after teaching a class of students..that i care very much of them..even sacrifice my time to make exercise tat suits their level for them..but they let me paying me back wif their BLANK and EMPTY homework..
i feel like crying in d office..struggling and thinking what shud i do next..
BUT someone tell me..U ALREADY did ur best..juz that not everyone will follow up what u wan them to do..although they understand wat u wan...JUZ LIKE WE ALL LAST TIME..He tell me..last time when miss EILEEN tell we all to do tis do tat..we also know she do it is good for us..but we also din do la..
Haha..when i heard tis..i suddenly feel students also arent that least they listen to what i said..and react sincerely to tat least i heard their promises...They said they will finish their homework and let me drop my glasses..heh..i was so happy tat time..
human sometimes really very funny hor..we used to c bad things first be4 good ones...we used to evaluate ppl first be4 ourselves..and the Worst is..we like to compare...
if i dint teach a good class..i won expect so much on my bad class...and at last made both me and my class so tense..
this theory sama goes to relationship ba^^..maybe it's time for me to change my view that was so narrow..and STOP COMPARING..but juz appreciate what do i have^^sounds easy but difficult to accomplish.. juz one day..i experience happy, sad and back to motivated..maybe is juz like what ppl's say..girls really very changable..juz like the weather..sometimes rainy, sometime sunshine..
really hope i won scare my fren around me..haha..
anyway..thanks to my SPECIAL fren..that RESCUE me from bad mood..and thanks to the person that willing to listen my really helps me course also thanks to u that willing to waste ur time to look at my COMPLAINS here..haha
k lar..finish expressing..nite lo^^38 members..hope u all have sweet dreams la^^
gud!! vERY guD!!
how cheh
Sunday, February 24, 2008
thx4rembering my bday wor...hehe..i knw la u all wont 4get me ge...hor...?? hahahaha.
sorry loh no time2blog la ths days...vy tiring evytm oso got ot...hope2c u guys in d kepong trip la...
38 memebers RULEZ..hehe
Saturday, February 23, 2008
one day trip in kepong
here is wei loon
i am planning to have a one day trip in kepong
ok, it is as following:
we can go to the batu caves first, we can just go up the hills and take some photos
then go back to kepong
in kepong, we just go to the jungle called The FRIM to have a picnic...
haha... it sounds funny right?
jus see wat r urs opinion lo..
the date is still not decided yet.. see when will u all b free lo.. i hope we can have it on March lo..
i hv ady discuss wif yi juin, she said "no problem" very loudly o!
okla.. give me some response la..
~if dun wan have it is ok, it is just a plan only
~wei loon
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hye hye ...
hi everyone ... i think everyone shud notice the blog is kinda like change d ..
hahaha ... i edited it actually ... i hope everyone dun mind ya ...
hmmm ... i spent almost 2 hours for that pic on top ... but it's worth it ...
kinda nice ??? ;P
im workin till this end of month only then i rest for a while then work again ...
ahhhh ... actually i dun feel like stop workin bcoz it's kinda fun ...
lotsa new experience ... hahaha ... im plannin to go back to school n visit our teachers ..
anyone interested to join ??? hahaha .. malu la if go alone ... hahaha
dunno wat to write somemore ... jus give me some comment bout the new look of our page !!!
thanks ..
Sunday, February 17, 2008
secret reveals ~ weiloon
to ching foong,
now i reveal the secret la!
i jus resign from doing editor in the office..
but will be a free lancer in editing my maths book during my free time
bcoz i will b a temporary teacher in a primary school..
this is wat i want to b the most... at the same time, being a teacher i hv more time
i will b a teacher in a tuition centre at night..
so, i'll b very busy from now on..
Friday, February 15, 2008
I am not lonely on 14th feb
tis year valentine i not alone o...
really de,,
i very happy o...
speechless le,.
never hav tis kind of feelings a,
i celebrated tis meaningful day wif my STUDENTS....
for ur information now i am teaching in chung kwok primary sch..wif sh yj and sv o
afternoon session..just 4 hours a day....
sounds like an easy job o??
no no no...not tat easy..
each day willl vomit 10 liters of blood,
drink 10 bottles of water,
and yield as loud as an army jet....
and still make no use ...
WOI #*MEMBERS>>>>>>>why stop blogging d....
no matter how busy u r, must write something a
how how
Thursday, February 14, 2008
happy valentine's day ~wei loon
dun know wat to say...
happy valentine's day!!!
wish those in love feeling sweet sweet...
~ wei loon
hapi valentine's day to myself
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
gong xi gong xi
Chinese NEw Year 2008
bai nian is a wonderful thing tat everyone is interested in...
of cos , main purpose will be getting lots and lots of ang pau
for sure and of cos
through bai nian ,it also enable everyone to gather around...
having laughter and to share stories among each other...
10th february 2008,
38 members got the golden chance to have a gathering through the bai nian event,,,,,
after around a month the members had been busy with their own job and career,
at last we gather again in this wonderful new year,,,,,,,,,
travelling from one house to another,
eating cookies from house to house,
drinking all sort of water from door to door,
getting different kind of ang pau packets,
this different ,
that different,
everything is different,
only one thing is always the same....our FRIENDSHIP
we still sit and stand together without having weird feelings,
we still talk and scold each other like before,
we still gossip and let each other gossip us behind just like last time,
we still stick to our character and attitude,
we still don give face to each other when scolding ppl,
we still care each other,we still behave like children sometimes,
last but not least ,WE STILL THE MIGHTY 7,
Nothing ever changes , changing or even changed....
the only one thing tat changed lately is.........hmmmmmmmahha....
i know la.,,,
u all sure say i perasan one la,,,
tak tahu malu ma..sob sob
k la...tata(go hide under the bed le)
how how
gong xi gong xi
Chinese NEw Year 2008
bai nian is a wonderful thing tat everyone is interested in...
of cos , main purpose will be getting lots and lots of ang pau
for sure and of cos
through bai nian ,it also enable everyone to gather around...
having laughter and to share stories among each other...
10th february 2008,
38 members got the golden chance to have a gathering through the bai nian event,,,,,
after around a month the members had been busy with their own job and career,
at last we gather again in this wonderful new year,,,,,,,,,
travelling from one house to another,
eating cookies from house to house,
drinking all sort of water from door to door,
getting different kind of ang pau packets,
this different ,
that different,
everything is different,
only one thing is always the same....our FRIENDSHIP
we still sit and stand together without having weird feelings,
we still talk and scold each other like before,
we still gossip and let each other gossip us behind just like last time,
we still stick to our character and attitude,
we still don give face to each other when scolding ppl,
we still care each other,we still behave like children sometimes,
last but not least ,WE STILL THE MIGHTY 7,
Nothing ever changes , changing or even changed....
the only one thing tat changed lately is.........hmmmmmmmahha....
i know la.,,,
u all sure say i perasan one la,,,
tak tahu malu ma..sob sob
k la...tata(go hide under the bed le)
how how
Monday, February 11, 2008
happy CNY!!! ~ wei loon
haha... just hv the time to blog now.. 10th of Jan, we all finally could meet up lo!! i was so so so happy to see u all!! hehe, visited ur houses can get a lot ang pao oh!!
hehe, now i got something to say to u all,haha!
to yi juin,
u arr.... u r so geng o! introduce me to ur sister thru tis way la?? haha, but i forgive u la, we hv to "yi ta bou yun"... anyway, u r prettier... hehe;;; bler!!
to ching foong,
haha, u arr.. finally get our presents for u lo, happy?? hehe, keep asking for present 1, really dun wan to give u then u dun "siang sam"haha. hope u like the presents la!! happy incoming birhday!!
to our leng lui siao huoy,
hehe, hope we didn't kacao ur house oh. haha, u r more and more leng lui d... wish u win more money la..
to how how,
ei, i know u sure hv ur plan 1.. supporting u!!
to fatty fai,
haha, u 'look' fitter a bit d.. haha, wish u successfully keep fit!! u must take care urself d, bcoz 1 of our members need ur caring and protect d, must pandai pandai jaga diri.. haha
to leng chai kloon,
errr... u r really tired.. rest more and more la.. working and "ai" a while is good, but hv to know how to eat well, sleep well and play well.. kok loon, promise next time u come out wif us must look energize!!! ok?
also to our frens,
wish our fren all the best!!
hehe, these r all i wanna to say.. wish all of us have a wonderful year!! and wish tis world bcome better and better!!
~wei loon
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
i'm happy ~WeiLoon
haha.. i was really lucky yesterday!!
it was just unbelieveable!!
ei... but i choose not to tell first. haha... why? bcoz i myself also do not believe tat!
anyway, it is just one step forwards wat i planned in my 6-months holiday.. it is still a long game to go on..
i think wat the truth is: when u really want something too much.. too badly... with ur sincere heart, got one power in tis world will actually help u!! this is true!!
wish me good luck la..
~ lucky wei loon
Sunday, February 3, 2008
HUJAN masa kerja !!!
so tired la today .. everyone go out to buy new year shirt ..
so so many customer .. i really need a leg massage now ...
but i'm kinda happy bcoz .......
i watch HUJAN's performance .. hahaha ...
i sneak out during work to watch them perform ..
they had a showcase in pavilion today to promote the sunburst concert ..
it was so so nice ... nice music ...
btw, HUJAN is a malaysian band ... a band of 4 young men ...
their songs r very nice .. if ur interested .. tell me ..
i send u their songs ... hahaha

invitation ~ wei loon
Chinese New Year is coming lo! haha... GONG XI FA CHAI! (so lame)
everywhere is playing the cny songs ady lo... can feel the hot festival coming lo.. but i still hvn't buy anything oh... coz got a lot of work and very tired these days..
wish u all happy all the year in this mice year..
looking at the news only know China got snowstorm.. the people r so pitiful, cant go home to celebrate.. so, we all r the lucky one.. can celebrate this festival wif our family!! somemore still can get ang pao!! haha, so, get as more as u can oh~! maybe next year some of us will give ang pao lo!! wakaka!! hehe..
wish u all happy, wealthy, healthy, +ve, leng chai and leng lui.....++++
ps: u all r welcome to my house on sunday( 10th or 17th)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Fresh Saturday~
how are u all so far??? ei..ching foong and kah fai very bad wor..dint post anythng latest d..
dun lost d passion towards our union ler... chinese new year is extremely near...u all a..y havent tell me when r u free?????
so can we decide to visit each other on sunday 10-2-2008???
first station is my house as usual???or end up at my house???haha..
ei..faster decide ler...and one more thing...siao huoy is going to pay a visit at cambodia around 20 to 24 something, cant remember we may decide to celebrate ching foong's birthday earlier...can we???
ATTENTION here..except our official meeting at 8-3-2008...we will still meet each other on our birthday..ok???if no time at least our giving present costume will still carry on..ANy OBJECTION???
anyway..plz plz~~~ tell me when u all free on chinese new year ler...if not..we straight away rush to ur house i DUN CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone..have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!