Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Apology

Hey I'm back!
I would like to apologise for not blogging lately. I owe all of you a big apology. I'll let all of you know the reason why in a short while.

First I'll let you all know my status. I'm fine. And healthy. I've just finish my Module 1 examination!! Woohoo~~! Anyway for your information, I've been accepted to Aimst.

My course is a 5 years course. Each year there's 2 term, and each term has 2 modules.I've just finish my first module. At the end of each module there is this assessment called Continuous Assessment(CA). This assessment constitute 40% of my final exam and the remaining 60% comes from the final exam itself. *special case - at the fourth module, I don't have CA however it is replace with final exam. Thus, 3 CA + 1 final = 100%.

Mainly for the first 2 years is anatomy theory, nonetheless, they incorporate some practical in it like tooth carving, simulation on dummies etc.. then 3rd year onwards mostly practical.

For the first month I'm not adapted to the environment and also the lectures. The lecturers that teach us anatomy are all from The School of Medicine, which means all of them are from India. Their english have a very heavy indian accent, especially when they talk fast I don't hear any english at all, but after 2months ok already.

The environment here very nice(just that too hot), no pollution as it is quite far from Sg. Petani, 12 km away. And the hostels are just situated below the small hill. Everyday I get to watch sunset from my room. Oh ya, in a apartment there are 3 rooms, each room there are 2/3/4 person staying in it depending on your preference. So previously I was in a 4 person per room apartment, due to dirtiness and uncondusive environment to study because in the whole apartment all of them are foundation students, very noisy. I'm able to apply to 2person per room and stay with my coursemate, literally much peaceful here.

The food here.....Sucks to the max!!! Everyday chicken, and the menu always the same. There are 3 types; chinese, indian, and vegetarian. Those food is included in my rental fees, 3 meals a day. Imagine everyday curry, chicken and sucky taste. Almost anything in KL is nice already as long as it's better than here.

Since it's include in my rentals so I mai eat lo, although I have a choice to pay to eat in the cafeteria, but eventually the taste will be the same cos those ppl cooking the Paid food are the same ppl from the company cooking our hosteler food. And there are so damn many flies le...everytime eat can exercise the hand to shoo away those flies.

As I was saying, I blog very seldom cos I have to keep studying all the time. One reason is that I don't want to fail and resit for the same whole year. Another reason is that I would like to go back as often as possible, if I keep studying then I'll have no worries when I go back KL. I have free time, but mostly I used it to relax myself. Most ppl say must enjoy university life but it's a promise I make to myself so that I'll have no regrets. Haha, I'm more hard working now than I'm in STPM.

Anyway, nothing to enjoy here, out of nowhere, Sg. Petani also no entertainment, got 1 and only cinema there. The only entertainment in Aimst is sports. Ahem, although sports as entertainment but I didn't become thin. Neh, those food here la, so unhealthy until I become fat. Haha....

There's some language barrier here for me. Everyone speaks mandarin. So not syiok lo,anti climax. Sometimes some joke say it in cantonese only nice ma. I long time never speak cantonese already. Got some know how to speak but must initiate only speak canton. I guess I have to use my Beijing hua yu. But I scared they don' understand my Beijing hua yu lo. haha... Must learn already if not can't survive.

Oh ya...yj, hw: I think I can make business to those form6 students. Cos here got so many big big insects, and very cute ge. Hmm...maybe I can sell it to our junior for their bio project. Haha.

Wl: there's another guy also same name as you, Wei Loon. hoho, both of you wear specs.

I think that's all for now. Time to study. I'll update myself. Take care everyone.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

good luck in your exams oh!!!


long time no news...
busy in exam right?

+oil o!!!

must take care of ur health o!!


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