Hey 38,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hey guys..I am free FInally...juz finished my finals just now...Really JUST...haha..from 8 to 9...lol...
so what u guys planning? Are we going to meet at Wei Loon's house on 13? Haha..really cant wait to c u all...
time really fliesssssssssssssss...i had finished one semester just like tat..Although there are a lot of unhapiness and stress...but u know..rite after i get my "independence"..I felt sad u know..Lol..
start waiting the next semester to come..(I guess How Cheh will say "This is madness! ")lol..
In this semester, I really gain alot anyway..U know..I nearly lost myself..There was a period I was pushing myself too much, Struggling to get high scores..So depressed that my instructor gave marks based on impression.. there was really a time I cant even recognise myself..LIEW YI JUIN= monster that only cares about marks...lol...coz u know...the life here in Subang is really so dull and boring..NO TV, no outing for THE WHOLE SEMESTER...my only entertainment was juz that one or one and a half hour going out to have dinner wif frenz...basically i spent most of my time in Library and studies..So i will be dissapointed if i cant get good score as I AM JUZ FOCUSSIng mainly on it rite? Lol..so, i think as a students.,.we really should play..and join more activities..so that won turn into A MOSTEr..haha..wat a good excuse^^
However, I did regain myself..I have advices and care from my family, frenz and even instructor..(of Course, this instructor is so extraordinary..He is my idol!) haha..maybe i will post the photoes up in these few days^^ I really get inspired alot..And now..Basically i will start enjoying myself..and u guys...GET PREPARED to receive my calls...^^ I will keep "Kacau" u all soon...
And and in two weeks time i will get my result thru post...Hope will inform u all with good news ya( i really have to guard my mail box around those days) haha..it will be sent to my parent's name anyway..Haha..
K lar...hope to meet u all soon..DUn Miss me
Yi Juin
Monday, November 17, 2008
Big Apology
For the first month I'm not adapted to the environment and also the lectures. The lecturers that teach us anatomy are all from The School of Medicine, which means all of them are from India. Their english have a very heavy indian accent, especially when they talk fast I don't hear any english at all, but after 2months ok already.
The environment here very nice(just that too hot), no pollution as it is quite far from Sg. Petani, 12 km away. And the hostels are just situated below the small hill. Everyday I get to watch sunset from my room. Oh ya, in a apartment there are 3 rooms, each room there are 2/3/4 person staying in it depending on your preference. So previously I was in a 4 person per room apartment, due to dirtiness and uncondusive environment to study because in the whole apartment all of them are foundation students, very noisy. I'm able to apply to 2person per room and stay with my coursemate, literally much peaceful here.
The food here.....Sucks to the max!!! Everyday chicken, and the menu always the same. There are 3 types; chinese, indian, and vegetarian. Those food is included in my rental fees, 3 meals a day. Imagine everyday curry, chicken and sucky taste. Almost anything in KL is nice already as long as it's better than here.
Since it's include in my rentals so I mai eat lo, although I have a choice to pay to eat in the cafeteria, but eventually the taste will be the same cos those ppl cooking the Paid food are the same ppl from the company cooking our hosteler food. And there are so damn many flies le...everytime eat can exercise the hand to shoo away those flies.
As I was saying, I blog very seldom cos I have to keep studying all the time. One reason is that I don't want to fail and resit for the same whole year. Another reason is that I would like to go back as often as possible, if I keep studying then I'll have no worries when I go back KL. I have free time, but mostly I used it to relax myself. Most ppl say must enjoy university life but it's a promise I make to myself so that I'll have no regrets. Haha, I'm more hard working now than I'm in STPM.
Anyway, nothing to enjoy here, out of nowhere, Sg. Petani also no entertainment, got 1 and only cinema there. The only entertainment in Aimst is sports. Ahem, although sports as entertainment but I didn't become thin. Neh, those food here la, so unhealthy until I become fat. Haha....
There's some language barrier here for me. Everyone speaks mandarin. So not syiok lo,anti climax. Sometimes some joke say it in cantonese only nice ma. I long time never speak cantonese already. Got some know how to speak but must initiate only speak canton. I guess I have to use my Beijing hua yu. But I scared they don' understand my Beijing hua yu lo. haha... Must learn already if not can't survive.
Oh ya...yj, hw: I think I can make business to those form6 students. Cos here got so many big big insects, and very cute ge. Hmm...maybe I can sell it to our junior for their bio project. Haha.
Wl: there's another guy also same name as you, Wei Loon. hoho, both of you wear specs.
I think that's all for now. Time to study. I'll update myself. Take care everyone.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
good luck in your exams oh!!!
long time no news...
busy in exam right?
+oil o!!!
must take care of ur health o!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
hye hye ...
im back in KL again ... hahaha ...
so cham ... can't online at utm ... hahaha ...
everyone i'm fine !!! eventhough no one's askin bout it ... hahaha
im havin my study week for me to prepare for my finals ... so fast ...
i finished one semester in utm d ...
i think i shud be havin my sem break around nov to dec ...
let's meet up k ... hopefully wl will be back too ... ur comin back on dec rite ?? hahaha
how cheh how cheh ... when u free ... muz temen u back ... that day din saw ur msg ... hahaha ... sorry ya ...
ok la .. duwan to crap d la ... bye bye ... btw , i jus found out that kok weng the nerd is studyin the same course as my gf ... in her class somemore ... hahaha ... swt ...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
one question
I have one Question:
Why do you all continue your tertiary education?
for what and whom?
Monday, September 15, 2008
hello... how are you all ar?
i know one of the senior from st. john in NUS... thru email only, not met yet, is Mrs Cheng give me his contact de..
here is some of the thing wanna share with you all... since you all are also Johannians...
here is what he wrote to me:
"In life, too, you are certain to experience many difficulties and suffering, but when you overcome them, they will all become beautiful memories. They will be the bright spots of your life and your most valuable treassure. I therefoe hope that you will never be afraid of hardship. Please face all your challenges courageously!"-Daisaku Ikeda. I hope this quate by Daisaku Ikeda can be a source of motivation for you.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
i knw all of r bz wit our stuffs..as 4 me nowadays i do ntn mch la...sum of u will nw y.cos d exam is comin la,ths sat..and it is a long 1 since i got so many papers.it will only end in 3rd week of septmbr...sobsob..no fun stdying le..and abit scared lo cos frst time nthaving exam in scl.hehe..and abit gan jiong oso la..hehe...u al mst thn tht i sot edi..haha...aiyah! dun knw wat2say la..hehe...so..wish me luck la!!
just wanna post something
i am wei loon here!! dun know why, just feeling like to post something...
u know, these days i really felt too bad and so stressed and finally i sick now.. haha, but dun worry, wei loon will be fine soon..
u know? when i felt so bad, the people i think of is you all and finally i picked up the phone and called yj.. thanks yj... u really made me feel better.. remember tat u asked me whether was i crying that time... haha.. actually i was not.. only tears... hehe
now, still feeling a little bit sick and my works also hv not done yet...
to be honest, i really felt like too stressed up here... when i went in the lecture and don't understand at all... really!!! really is at all!!! and when the endless meeting during the night... make me really feel like do not have time to take a deep breath.. not even say i have time to study.. suddenly i felt like my world collapsing...
but why do i write this post is not to tell you that wei loon can not go on anymore,
but to tell you... i will continue to go on...and wei loon is now stronger..
i just feel like i really stronger than the one i was yesterday...
what in my mind now is the origin reason i come here... is to train myself..
the training is now on
and what wei loon do is to fight on
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I guess is my turn 2 say sorry..wanted2cry whn read d blog le...haih...i guess is my fault oso la...didnt update myslf..im really sorry..bt sumtimes i really dun knw wat2post le cos nthn special here..and nowadays my comp is full of virus...and keep on hanging...haih...excuses!!!bt i definitely sill care 4 u all lo.especially wl,like wat sh said v r worry abt u whn ther's no news fr u...i knw u r far away fr fam,frens bt u mst b strong,..and of cos jst go 4ward..v will supprt u!!hope it is not 2 late 4 me 2 show tht i care 4u all...LONG-LIVE 38MEMBERS!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hi Hi !!!
hye ... im back in KL again ... got another 5 days holiday ... hahaha
last week i was really happy that i could meet up wif u all ... it was so so nice talkin to u all ...
i really wish w can be like that all the time ... too bad wl n sh was not there ... hahaha
yea lo hc ... y everytime wanna go melaka oso rain ar ... hahaha ...
btw ... yj getting prettier d ... i think cf n sh oso ... but so long din see sh d ... dunno she fat d or alot fatter d ... hahahaha ...
im sick again ... dunno y since i start studyin .. i always fall sick .. sigh ....
but something happy happen ... hahaha ... i jus got my test paper back ... i got almost full marks ... but there's nothing to be proud of bcoz it's actually something like form 6 stuffs ... maybe easier .. how r u all doin in ur studies ??? this Q is not for KF ... hahahaha ... jk jk ...
so boring la in UTM ... really nothing to do thr ... i lost connection to the world ... even the election result oso very hard to know from thr ... hahaha ... n i oso like lost connection wif u all la ... can't online ... pls update me wif wat u guys r doin k ... i'll try to go online more often to visit this blog ... n read u all wrote ... hahaha ...
wl ... we miss u ... don worry ... ur always my best fren ... ur always our best fren ... take care ya ... dun miss me so much ... im very near only ... johore ... hahaha ...
dunno wat im writtin here d .. startin to crap .. hahaha ... u all take care la ...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Malacca? Raining ?

Am i d one who are so pityful till Malacca cried just for me?
Its so confusing...

Friday, August 22, 2008
i miss you all
i miss u all...
really, i do miss u all much...
i know sometimes i posting something here i would see no responds or comments... but i really look forward to hear from u all.. and i really dun know why there are no responds from u all, maybe is my fault??? if i did something wrong or say something wrong to you all... really sorry... you all are always my best friends...
i miss those days that we all study together, play together, hv fun together, gossip together...
yup, i know i should look forward and these days we had were already gone...
but being alone here.. it is really a bit difficult here..
i am trying to be strong, stronger...
maybe i need support...
sometimes i do feel upset, lonely...
i cant go to anyway..
cant even express myself to somebody who understand me...
when i wanna say i found difficulties, who i can tell is nobody..
like now... i am not saying that i am unhappy now...
but the feeling is...
when i am happy, i cant tell anybody..
same, when i am unhappy, also cant tell anybody...
just be alone here...
but one thing i confirm is... i wont regret to be here...
maybe this is the beginning and it is normal... i just express my feeling here... because i still believe that i am still belong to 38...
if i really made or said something wrong that till now i still dun realise...
i am really very sorry...
i dun know why.. i keep saying sorry...
maybe i really feeling that i cant lose u all...
~complicated wl
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hi guys....I've been to Taylors for about a week...It's a brand new experience for me because I have to do everything by my own..Like this few days, I am busy wif d adminstration stuff like how many credits of mine will be granted or exempted based on my STPM qualification. So, I talk to d Programme Director. I was so upset when she told me tat she is not the one tat cant grant my credits but d future university I am going to.. SO~ what i can do in tis semester is avoid taking subjects like Math and Chemistry coz they may be granted for 2 levels as well..and within this semester, I've to talk to d counsellor to decide a target Uni of my own. Then, they will submit my results to confirm. >.<
And then d second scenario is that if i wan to take any other subjects like FOundation of Acting, History...etc..I still need to look at my english qualification, which is judged based on our english placement test taken at the first day of orientation. If i couldnt get my English 101..(maybe english 092 or 093) then i am not qualified to take much of the subject...Haiz..So, i waited till the result came out..Luckily, i got into my eng101 class...It shuld be a delighting news..but...
Scenario 3 : I can sign in or register for lots of courses that i wan...BUT...after i getting d signature from my advisor....I was told by the adminstrator tat the Class was FULL ( for sociology)......I am juz gonna jump into sea after hearing that...so, i jzu chech wif her to c which course is still available...so we find out tat Public Communication still left a few places...So, i Juz say YEs to register....so i tot everything was settled...But once i Reached home...when i look at the preview of the Public Communication...i was shocked tat it require us to speak impromptu and public speaking in the whole course...T.T it will be so heavy for me if i have to take English and tis Public communication subject at once...i believe tat my grades will drop for sure...SO...tomoro is the last day for students to add or drop subjects...so i still have to conquer all d way to get subjects like history tomoro(hope tat it;s available)....God, please save me....It's juz a beginning of my college life....
Hope everything is gonna be fine...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
a special day
today is 2nd of august...How Cheh's birthday...
haha...for sure..we meet up wif 38 gang...at klcc...we tried our best to make it as an normal outing..
becoz d bufday boy demanded not to celebrate with him..haha..
so..at first we juz go to PC fair at Kl Convention Centre..walk around..look around..Guess wat...seeing so many leng lui in there...saliva keep coming out ler...somemore they wear till so less...haha...
Later on, we tot of meeting kah fai and little foong foong somewhere in d KLCC de, but 2 of them ler..pak to to KFC and eaten their lunch without us ler...haha..therefore, we straight away pick up pei sun at time square...and have our lunch there lo..chit chatting..exchanging experience in uni or college..except me and kah fai who still being lazy pig...haha
guess how did we deliver our present to how cheh? We juz push him in toilet and ask him to put on d shirt tat we bought for him...Actually tot of splashing water on his shirt ler...but still dare not to do tat..luckily d size was ok^^haha...(Hc din grow fat luckily)
then at nite, we go eat steamboat near Genting Klang..haha...a funny thing happened..we 2 Myvi accidentally drive into a dead end of a road ler..and d road is full of car at d side...it was so challenging to make a 3 point turn there..haha..from far u can c 2 Myvi driver keep on turning their sterling then reverse, go in front, reverse again...haha...Kah Fai was given a chance to reduce his weight by having such great exercise ler...haha..
At last, we enjoyed our steamboat, chocolate steamboat, cheese steamboat happily..haha
wat a wonderful day..Really feel great to meet up wif frenz~ Feel glad and happy to experience tat our relationship is still so close although we separated to different place...Hope tat our frenship will be long lasting ever..haha
One year older
Today , i am 20yrs and one day old...
2 pieces no balance....
After more than 2 yrs we know each other, i still remain as who i am ...
A person who dont like to talk much,
A person who dont like to smile,
A person who dont like to tease people,
A person who dont like to make people angry,
And most importantly,
A person who dont like to lie...
i promise will remain as who i am for yrs to comes......
Changes will only for my negative side...
My above character will be remained...
pls dont worry...
FRenz 4ever
ever gud looking,
How cheh
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Changes to be made
hihi..everyone...since someone is complaining bout my statement...I would like to make a change..
I am sure y d "someone" asking y i dun jzu change it straight away from d post...
oo...This is becoz I dun wan confusion to happen ma^^later maybe cf a, or sh a...view d blog..
then keep on c u write there change change change, they surely will feel blur de...so..
I jiu change it here la...
ok... DEAR 38 Members, I wan to emphasize that our pure and cute MR. Lee How Cheh is not poluted by Erm..pornography...haha...wat i have written in the previous blog was totally a mistake...I tot it was a joke..so..dun angry ya...haha...I juz dun wan kok loon to worry bout u ma^^
U c i am so kind to u ler...so dun angry k...haha
Sunday, July 27, 2008
ahemmm....attention Miss Liew
this is not a blog...
this is not a story ...
this is not a joke...
this is not a note..
but tis is a COMMAND....
Please delete some phrase on ur previous blog...
it has violated our 38members blogspot aggreement...
Pls make changes asap ..
*my reputation in my uni is not tat gud d...
pls do not make it worst till i hav to dig a hole to hide in it....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
wei loon at NUS
now i am in NUS la..
using my senior laptop...
dun worry...
i like here
and here like me too..
update more next time...
~lovely wei loon
Friday, July 25, 2008
welcome back kok loon^^
hey..everyone...how r u all...
very happy when saw kok' loon's blog^^
u r back finally...haha..welcome back to becum active member of our 38 union again^^
so...seen d message i forward to u all from wei loon...if anyone wan his numbers, plz let me know ya.
er...kok loon...dun worry la...I am fine now...not lonely la...^^ i now get myself busy wif works...now i do part time job every weekend again...can earn some money for my living cost in Taylor's and release me from loneliness...haha...
during weekdays ler..I will become Maria at home lo...and become family driver...fetch bro and sister go to school all those lo...hehe..and free tat time I will read books a, learn typing wif software those lo^^ sounds meaningful rite? haha..anyway...last week, my eyes get infection ler...I tot it was normal sensitive like I always used to be...but tis time very pain..Then d doctor tell me it's INFECTION..my god..nearly fainted...It's like so serious...haha...but finally...now i got my pretty eyes back again...haha..lol..so dun worry ya...u guys will b able to c a cheerful yj again..
Btw..kok loon, u no need to worry bout hc la..He has a good life there la...no need to worry bout him...he got very nice roomate ler...maybe he like them more than us le la...sobsob...hc bad...haha...maybe u guys need to worry his brain will polluted by pornography...(haha..hc...dun kill me)
Anyway...I have to say bye bye d la...my sister is making agar-agar...got to help her...if not...d kitchen will explode..k la...tata..miss u guys...take care~
Thursday, July 24, 2008
HELLO !!!!
hi everyone !!!
it's me ... kokloon ... it's been a while since i blog here ... sorry bout tht ...
bcoz the internet connection in my U is like kinda stupid ...
if anyone dunno ... im in johor now ... i miss KL ... i miss everyone in 38 ...
i know something happened d ... n everyone is worried bout it ...
i hope everyone is ok ... if can ... pls share our probs here k ... we'll help each other ...
ok ok ... let me tell u all about my life here ... basically nothing special ... diff from KL ...
the food here is much cheaper but it's not really nice ... the dun allow pork in the U ... sigh ..
n i really miss the beef noodle in petaling street ... hahaha ... wat the hell ... their char kuey teow here is like shit ... not nice ... hahahaha ....
it's jus like goin to school here ... but much more free compare to form 6 ... so you all can kacau me if u wan after 6 ... i got no class after 6 ... hahaha ... i join quite alot of activities ... n i get some post oso ... penolong ketua jabatan in some mooncake fastival ... and lots more ...
hmm ... after i came to johor ... i learn how to do lotsa stuffs ... i learn how to wash my own clothes ... do all those housework ... clean this clean that ... time management ... and i think im much more matured d ... ceh ... hahahaha ... u all dun worry bout me ... im very fine here ...
jus miss me enuf d ... hahaha ... u all muz take care oso k ... dun let me worry bout u all ...
kf n cf don need me to worry la ... hahaha .. siao huoy oso la .. got her husband ... hahaha ...
yj n hc n wl ... im worried bout u all ... yj very lonely ... hc ok ok la ... wl ... how r u ??? ok onot ??
any prob muz tell us k !!!!
im in the library now ... im kinda hungry la .... very hungry ...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
thanks friends
i should admit that something unhappy happened
but trust me
i will be better than ever before!!!
thanks friends
no worries
~weiloon :-)
Monday, July 21, 2008
heart broken...
have u c someone tat u care dissapear in front of ur eys??
a person that u see everyday...a person that u spent from monday to sunday with..
juz getting further and further from u?
at tat moment...wat's left juz solely heart broken...
I knew this day will come from long time ago....
But i juz din expect that I will feel so sad bout that...
I tot I can take it easy...I tot I can farewell by smiling...
ANyway...At that moment..I juz cant do that...cant even give him a smile...but let him worry bout me...Tears keep falling..I hate to cry...but it's juz uncontrollable...
I felt regret...regret dint giving him a smile...ask him not to worry...regret for not appreciating time with him...regret not getting good result..so that i can go along wif him...
But it's funny, isn't it...human will never appreciate things that we have..until d day u lose it...
Human will never realise how important someone is...till d day the person left...
So frenz, do appreciate what u have! Not until u lose it...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
latest yj
hey guys...today I received a call from USM. haha...i was surprised that they offer me the Microbiology course, which is one of my choice in the appeal list. However, I am not going for sure. It deviates from what I wish to be. I don know whether my decision is right or wrong.
I am not so sure whether in the future i can accomplish my goal, which is to be a successful translator. But at least I wan to have a try. i Shud say, it's a challenging trial! Translator was absolutely nothing to relate to Bioengineering.
Just that Bioengineering covers a larger field of studies, It coverd physics, biology, math, computer, and of course good command of language. Since a translator's qualification is having great foundation in language...be4 that I wish to be someone that knowlegable. That exposed to different kind of challenge..so that i can have different types of feelings and thought. For me, an excellent translator is to deeply understand what an articles really means and wat message the author want to deliver.
haha...wif my naif thought, at tis moment..I am just choosing a field that is wide..When i first saw bout Bioengineering..i was feeling like " yes, this is it"...this is wat i want...a general background...then going deeper and deeper...when i think, yea it's enuf...I already good enuf in tis bioengineering field or i am bored of it..i can always step away and start my translating life...or maybe intepret articles..haha..then at tat time i can work at home..everyday spending time wif my family...(tis is so perfect but hard to achieve )
Sometimes, I really will ask myself " yijuin, are u sure bout tis? no turning back!" haha...yea...No turning back...haha...I also dunno where my bravery comes from...anyway, I really wan to try it out...even if i fail..at least i try, rite?
haha...sorry..not meant to make u all bored..juz express it out...so tat i can sure about wat I am doing..I am " reconfirming"..haha..wish u guys happy always and good luck in studies ya..
born to be bad?
hi guys...wei loon..I dunno wat happen to u..and really feel shame to ask u..coz these few days I was spending all my time with a fren that is going off....I am really sorry for not being ur side at the moment u need a fren to comfort u... I really feel shame for myself. Yesterday i received a call from kok loon, he worried bout u 2...and i asked him to call u...becoz..i have no guts to face u..
heh...I am really sorry. Today when i received ur call, ur voice was so down. I feel so regret and guilty. I hope it's never to late to apologize, and really wish something special in u really dun turn upside down. U were an optimistic guy and always positive. I always think that u and me was so close coz we have a common thought, common belief! Remember our conversations last time? We ARE people that believe we can learn the most and fastest from failure! We believe after conquering every obstcales..we will gain more power and become stronger!
Remember what u told me last time? U told me U LIKE TO BE DARE! You like people that LOOK DOWN ON U! These few words come out from ur mouth, HIEW WEI LOON's mouth! U r unbeateble, isnt't it? Plz..dun lose all this spirit! No matter what happens, U know that 38 will always be there for u. Ya, everyone of us is busy...busy wif own studies, own responsibility...but please believe that we care fOR U!!!!
Everyone will have bad times, everyone did mistakes...BUT doesnt mean u r a bad people! B'coz bad people never think themselves are bad! They will think what they do was ABSOLUTELY Right!
If u think u r wrong! Learn from mistakes! If u think u r Bad, then learn to be Nice! Nothing can stop u if u wan something from ur heart. I hope to C u again! Not the depressed WEI LOON,
I want to C u that was inspiring, motivating! I know u will never let me down. We are always ur follower^^ Cheer Up , Wei Loon!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
man is born to be bad
each human in tis universe is born to be bad......
no good ppl in tis world..
we just have to depend on ourselves to discover and to experince the cruel world , cruel society...and also cruel facts in life..
born with nothing but only a blank and innocent mind...we are forced to act againts our will....
to survive , we have no choice but to take a a route which deviate from wat a gud guy shud take...
So, dun worry wl.....it is a norm for us to be a bad guy sometimes....
but wat makes the different is when we behave badly we know the limit.we know how bad we are....
wat others think is not important becos the true person who really understand ourselves is U alone....
only u will know wat is the best and wat's not......
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
i admit that i am not a good guy anymore
i am too bad
i am sorry to u all
i have been wearing a mask to live in this world
i am lost
the one who inside the mask is an evil
i am too good at acting
act to be awesome
act to be good guy
actually i am not
i am not a good guy
trust me one more time
i am an evil
now i hv to say sorry
sorry friends
u all no need to forgive me
i cant forgive myself too
the one i was is not the one i am
dun worry
i will get myself back
Sunday, July 13, 2008
hi...i just finished my exam...but now there r assignments waitn 4 me...omg! endless tasks...sobsob..haha i dun knw wat2say la..u all oso knw i in tarc edi la..bt hor y no1 update abt d place thy stdying ge??kl??u slpn ah? hc! i dun wa 2 c ur "nice" photo only lo..mana u punya cerita pasal uni??? aiyoh!vy vy sien la...so many to things2ctch up aftr exam..haha...hav2wrk hrd lo...haha...neway,wishing all d best 2 u guys nt only in studies la...in evythn la.especially wl la...take care when u go singapore and keep in touch...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
lazy piggy is me~
haha..hi everyone...i juz wake up ler...so geng...now is already 12 o'clock^^...but who cares...i have plenty time to spend...btw ..yesterday sh called me o...she is not entering um d...she said d UM is full of MALAY~~~~~~~although there are quite alot chinese...but most of them came from matriculation...( not as standard as us ) haha....jok....so she decided to quit after 2 days...she so cute ler...move in wif everything..then move out again...sot sot..haha..
so since wei loon is leaving soon...do u guys wan to come out? i mean cf, kf, sh u all...or kl & hc..when u all are coming back??? our smart & handsome president is leaving us d...sobsob...btw..kah fai where are u now a???? tiada berita langsung 1?????
haha...back to myself..i now eating breakfast while bloggibg lo...very enjoyable...but ler...later still need to help fren to move house ler...T.T being " kuli"...haha...k lar...hope to c u all soon...MISS U ALL~
btw...wei plz la...blog la...since we all are at different place...make some initiative to hold our friednship ler...^^ gambateh
Monday, July 7, 2008
one step further...
hi everyone...i am back..really sorry for not posting anything for such a long time... haha...u guys miss me?? erm...since i've been missing for quite long...so now i will try to inform everything tat i've done in tat period of time la^^ ( if i can remember )
first of all, i think u all knew tat i din get any offer from any local u, rite? haiz..really feel upset la..my result so bad till cant get any offer mer?? haha.. when i check d application status, i even log out and check again ler...so shocked...haha written there " TIDAK BERJAYA"..my god~ haha..anyway i also not planning to enter local u 1...juz tat is about my " MARUAH" ma...haha...d government TOTALLY "JATUHKAN MARUAHku"....CIS~
but on d positive side...i still feel glad tat i din get any la...if not, i will enter d local u to get some experience for sure...haha..then i will have no time to accompany GS tat is going off to singapore..haha...besides..when my collegues ( teacher in cks ) knew tat i am not accepted in local u...they were so shocked and felt so unfair for me...some of them even start consoling me...and ask me not to worry coz i have talent in myself...(wakaka...do i? i was wondering ) but still feel touched and happy for tat praising^^ then rite after tat day..is d day i resigned...erm....wat i can say is d students there really very rich... they still giving me some presents on d day i leave ( although i received expensive gift on teacher's day )...haha...then some of d cute student keep on saying wan to bring me home..haha...so cute ~^^ ( I will show some of d photo later )
Tat day...( it's wednesday if i am not mistaken )...was an unforgettable day...my feelings was so complicated...i was so excited to leave...to have freedom( = no need mark books like mountain anymore )...but on d other hand..i felt so down coz i won be able to c those students anymore...it'd been my routine to wake up early in d morning, reach school..approach students...telling them moral values...speak in BAHASA..explaining d tough words...BUT~...i won do all these anymore ...sobsob...T.T really feel "bu she de"...luckily i din cry in front of the class...haha~...haiz...tis half year...really gain alot in dis teaching experience...wan to say " THANK U" to all my students...tat bring me so much of fun..haha
right after tat..i didnt be free ...instead...i was occupied to work part time under an agent compant called CHIMERA...haha...guess wat...i was selling children milk powder...haha...everyday telling d customer...DUTCH LADY TT RATIO GROWING UP MILK...good for children at d age of 1 to 6...WAn to know wat is TT ratio? It's tryptophan and tyrosine in specific ratio for different age of children...tis 2 amino acids help children to absorb and process knowledge more effectively...by utilising tis milk powder, ur chidren will become genius...haha...siao...zok dai only...for tis product..i did sampling for 2 following weekends..( 6 days la..fri,sat & sun )...wow...it was so tiring..on d first day..my leg amost break ler...somemore so blur...work " O. T " till 9 o'clock..haiz..."GREat sALARY COMES After great responsibility ler"...for tat RM 85 per day..have to sacrifies a bit ba...haha...
anyway...for my excellent performance...my supervisor add RM 5 for each day of my salary ler...which means RM90 per day...haha..so touched... then after those days la..i still need to spend time marking books lo...although have resigned...still have stack of books ler...haiz...spending almost 2 week for tat...haha... and finally now... I AM FREE...
however...i did something extraordinary..haha...i went to straighten my hair...wakaka...i will appear ( wif my new look ) in d photo later...so tis is wat i've done for tis few weeks lu...haha...did u guys get bored???? really sorry o..from today onwards..i will post more often de la...so tat no need pack everythhing in an article..haha..i know u guys now are studying hard la...all entered u d...wish u all all d best ya..and plz dun gorget to blog ..^^tata
yijuin~ my 2j class girls
moster class - 5T
cute twins in 2J - en jie & en rui
power puff girls in 2C
straighten hair yj
Thursday, June 26, 2008
y?y?y?y...treat me like this...rght nw all d lyrics of my favourite songs comes 2 my head....
all sad song!!!! i dun knw is it hatred?disappointment?? argh>>>.jst hate it!!!
i dun wan 2 hurt and dun wan 2 b hurt..it's just tht simple!!!! im not greedy,nt asking mch!!!
y cant u grant my wish??argh..........it's nothing personal!!! nt a place2tlk abt my personal things...jst wan2write sumthn...argh!!once again it's nthn personal...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
move further
it is the time we all enter the university la...
good luck gals and guys!!!
kokloon, johor very near to singapore!!
we can find each other easily!!!
siao huoy, have u decided ah??
how about others?
good luck
good future
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Law of Attraction ~ must see!!!
u must see this!!!
a must!!!!
u must!!!!
u must see this!!!
u really must see this!!!
~wei loon
but nothing to say
i miss u all
but don't want to see u all
i want to sleep
but not sleepy
i want holiday
but don't want to be so free
i don't want to be at home now
but yet don't want to go out
i want to rest
but lot works waiting for me
what i want?
i don't know
what i don't want?
i know
can not get out from it
who am i..
i am me...
Friday, June 13, 2008
The big day
Hmm, I'm sure all of you know the result for university are coming out next week by Wednesday.
I hope all of you get the choice you longed for. Whether or not you entering local university, I still wish you get it.
I'm using Law of Attraction to attract my first choice, hahaha. Come to me come!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Family
hahaha ... it's me ... i'm kokloon ... ching foong .. it's me ... im the one who post this ... hahaha
hmmm .. since i edit the pic of 4 of our members ... me , wl , yj and hc ...
so now .. i'm posting the pic of other members ... kf, cf and sh .. hahaha
then only fair rite ... if not i scared cf or sh say i not fair ... '' how come dun have my pic ?? "
so im posting it ... hahaha ... rite ??? have fun ...
i found out kf n cf got '' fu chai seong '' ... hahaha .. enjoy
Monday, June 9, 2008
The 100th Post
wei loon ~ 28 posts
how cheh ~ 21 posts
yi juin ~ 14 posts
kok loon ~ 13 posts
fffai ~ 9 posts
ching foong ~ 7 posts
siao huoy ~ 6 posts
unknown ~ 2 posts
total:100 posts
*drafts ~ 14 posts
moshi moshi
hello everbody.....
after a month break from tis blog finally i am back....
i dun mean to put tis blog on hold but i spent most of my time in my new house which hav no internet connection at tis moment ....
actually i hav nth to say here bcos i hav been sitting at home for quite some time and the only things i do are just sit eat sleep watch tv...
nth special which i can share wif u all here...
just to have my name appear in tis blog ...
to show my existance and to remind u of me.....
Friday, June 6, 2008
hye ...
im back to blog again ...
wat happen to u guys ?? how r u all ??
come la .. let's blog ...
we need to let each other know wat we r doin ...
i know i didn't blog much oso but i'll try to blog more ... hahaha
how's the kelantan trip ???
who went wif wei loon ... everyone except me ??
im so so sorry i cant join ..
hahaha ...
look at those pic i edited ...
dun angry k .. it's all jus for fun ... hahahaha
Sunday, June 1, 2008
It's all coming back to me!
That day I went to gym in the morning. After so long I finally decided to go to gym and do some work out, weight lifting. You know la, rest for so long will become lazy ma. I start from the basic by lifting 1 piece of metal which weight about 1 kg I guess.
Behind the scene: It was the 2nd time I went, before that I fatt hau go lift 3 pieces(3kg) at once.Damn! The muscle all over my body ached like hell. Caused me to rest for a week before I resume.
So this time was a little different. A neighbour of mine, an old woman which i always call her poh poh was there. Let me first describe this poh poh. Amazingly, she's 70 years old but her face literally look like about 50 plus. The secret to her look? Oh well, of course......Kum Kuai Fei @ gold expensive fly! Kidding la...how I know wor...
Back to the story. So I was there proudly lifting the weight of................................ 1kg. I thought I would impress poh poh ge, thinking : Fuyoh! I lift 1kg of weight. Geng le?
She was doing her stretching and warm up. There's another keh le feh there also, an old man, a friend of hers keep talking to me. Ask me this ask me that la, how long have you been doing this la, how old are you, do you know how to use this, bla bla bla....
Then suddenly poh poh began her action. She walked behind me, facing the other side and inserted in the pin as to select the weight of her preference.
I can't see how heavy she had selected but I was able see her through the mirror. She began pulling down the weight lifting handle. Doing it smoothly. Then the keh leh feh old man uttered out loudly to me:
"Wa! you see you see, you only lift 1 piece here but look at poh poh behind you, she lift 6 piece. So cha ga you. Summor you are a young man, even poh poh can lift much more than you."
Imagine, the gym is very small and it is reverberant! Everything he said was repeated few times. Cis! Cis! So embarrassed. Wanted to find a hole to hide my face. I even wanted to stuff the metal piece into the keh leh feh old man's mouth.
But the truth is 1 vs 6 pieces is very pathetic indeed.
Aiya, you see la, next time I lift 6.5 piece. Herh!
Fit fit fai
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Perak's trip
i hv already spent 5 days in Sitiawan, Perak for a vacation with my colleagues
the places i went r damn nice!
that was the first time i really spent time to visit so many places!
the life there is easy.... no traffic jam, no pressure...
and the food there r very special! and some more they r all very cheap and yummy!!!
these are the places that i visited these few days
i hv also tried lot nice food there!!! got lot biscuits la.... mee la..rice la... sate.. and lot "Fu Chou" cuisine!!
and one thing very special i did... haha... it was the so called "fortune-telling" or "suan ming" in Ipoh!!!
it was just because Uncle Ding ( my friend's lovely dad, a good man) said it is very exact and accurate one... then i ma jiu try lo.. GUESS WAT the tukang titik said????
haha! i was so shocked!! he can just know that i will go overseas!! he also said that it is "takdir" that i surely will go oversea de.... haha... believe it or not?? but he really knows that!!! and when i asked about will it be difficulties when i go out especially in financial( the thing i worry), he said it will b smooth and no problem, he said someone will help me!!! haha, i was happy to hear that.. i wish it is really accurate!! luckily he also said lot good things for me!!! believe it or not???
actually there are lot stories to tell!! hope to see u all soon then must tell u all!!!
let's these photos tell..
Monday, May 26, 2008
:-( vs :-)
hmm...looks like im d first among u guys tht enter college/uni life...hehe...at first,quite excited cos as u all knw v dun hav 2 sticks 2 so many rules and regulations(can wear wat u like,can skip class,no negaraku,no assembly...and so on...) BUT 2my surprise is not tht fun aftr all...u knw life is so diff
1)last time in school,v hav permanent class room which v can put all our stuffs,bags and v can even decorate our class(evn though v hate it!and force2do it)haha,quite also actually...BUT in colleges there is no permanent class 4 us which means tht evry single time d lesson ends v hav 2 brin our stuffs and bags 2 gethr wit us!!evywhr v go evn2d canteen(haha...remind me of kuan lung...evytm brn bag2canteen..hahaha) cos d lecture hall will b used by othrs.sumtimes evy single subjct tht u hav,u hav2keep changn d location,as u all knw college/uni is not small rght..thn hav2wlk so far!
2)d lectures there always assume tht v knw every thing...thy dun evn bothr 2 tell u wat books 2 buy,wat is important,where2get notes...and so on.and thy dun even infrm u whn d lecture is cancelled!!!which means tht u hav2go 2 office almost everyday2chck up d latest news..OMG!!
3)in school so convenient huh...every mor,5 days a week(mon-fri),7.30-1.10...tht's d schedule...is FIX!how convenient...and i mst admit tht im so used2it..haha evn though lazy2wk up early la....of cos in college/uni d time,day and evn location r nt fixed!!keep changn...so troublesome,everyday hav2chck d schedule and look 4 d lecture halls...sumtimes u evn hav class in d early mor ,thn d nxt class in d late evening...so inconvenient!!
4)in school,in d class-got lots of frens chit chat whn teachr nt arnd...and i mst admit tht v r friendly wit each othr rght?hehe...and of cos v knw each and every1 n ur class...in college/uni i mst say d ppl nt vy friendly and sumtimes u nt evn knw who is in ur course..d reason is simple thy can cattend d lectures as frequent as thy wished...in others wrds thy can skip d lectures as frequent as thy wished..so nt surprising if u cant rem if thy r ur course mates...and of course,once d lectures finished.every1 will b takn their stuff and jst jumped out of d lecture hall wit their respective gang...so..blame myslf 4 nt makn lots of new frens???
hmm...i knw la is jst a few days in colleges...mayb i shouldn't judge d life in college yet...im nt complaining nor dissappointed...cos im young adult nt kids anymr should learn how2adjust to d environmnet.i jst saying wat i thnk...it doesnt mean tht im so -ve abt d life in college...hmm,who knows a few weeks ltr i will b writting abt my happy stuffs in college..hehe,hopefully.i guess i jst hav learn2adapt to d new stdy life..
conclusions...i MISS school!!!!i MISS my frens!!!!i MISS u guys!!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Teacher's Day 08'
teacher's day...
happy teacher's day to all the teachers here ...
today my school hv got a celebration...
this is my first teacher's day as a role of being a teacher...
quite happy and has a different kind of feeling..
different status has different feeling and thinking..
i am here to wish the teachers who sacrifice a lot for their children have a healthy and happy life!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
I am still who I am!!!
i am here to tell u all that i hv decided la...
i will go singapore!!!
i will take the Material Science and Engineering in NUS...
as what i hv told u all that actually i really have the problem especially in financial...
but i choose to go...
i know it is not easy..
but i dun wan to quit...
i dun wan to give up...
i just dun wanna to regret one day...
i wanna to fight for what i am so so so badly want...
and now it is the chance, it is the opportunity to let me fulfill it!!
i know everything will fall in place!
~wei loon
A Good Starting
i hv stepped my first step on the stage in front of more than 3000 year3-6 pupils and teachers today, just to let the students know that there are a lot of funny ways to study the boring subjects...
actually, it was a opportunity for me to teach them how to use some memory techniques in their study, i am not their teacher actually since i only teaching in the afternoon session.. i was just informed by the headmaster and teachers on last Friday that they hoped i would come out in the assembly to do so... of course i will try my best to do very well in this even it is in limited time!
i am so so so happy when i see they all can use the technique to solve their problems in their study!! they all can remember the horoscopes, eight planets, some telephone numbers, vocab...
just a 20-minutes talk in the stage, i helped thousands of peoples!! haha!! (so great am i!)
after the talk, the teachers all know me ady.. even tough i do not know them(because i am in the afternoon session, and they are all in morning session) but they will give me a friendly smile to me... :-) hihi!! i become famous lo!!
and one thing which is the most unexpected and happiest is one student suddenly come approach me and great me and he say in chinese:" Teacher, from now on i will study well and study hard...."
wow... it was so so so touching!! after that, i only realise from a teacher that "this student is a hyperactive student, he ady gave too much troubles to the schools and teachers... but it is weird that he will great you and promise you to study well!!" wow again... i think i am too sacred!! haha!
but isn't it this feeling is the greatest present from your students???
i think it is!!!
that is why i always say:" Teaching is the most joyful and happiest thing to do!!"
these are some photos captured in today's morning event:
on this friday which is teacher's day... i will again give the detailed talk to all the teachers...
i hope i can conduct it well...
hope what i hv give the teachers will then benefit the students!!!
and i hope that the students will then turn into a new leaf and hv a good cycle as so in their next generation...
isn't it a good karma???
it is definitely YES!!!
~wei loon
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hai~~~~YAh!!! [flying kick..]
Don't mess with Ching Foong, neither do I.
We can defence ourselves now, don't play play. Don't mess with us.
Cut the crap. Yup, Cf and I did learned self-defence. We attended the R.AGE self-defence workshop held at The Summit, USJ yesterday. It was open to form six and tertiary students. The workshop was conducted by the Yoshinkan Aikido Malaysia (YAM).
At first I were kind of anxious as I feared that this kind of self-defence class participated mostly by female participants. And Cf in the car kept scaring me saying "Fuyoh, later become centre of attention....DA ONLY GUY there". And I soothed myself saying "No need to worry ge, came here to accompany my gf lo". Haha.
The workshop starts at 8.30a.m but we were just only passing by Tesco Extra at that time. Hehe, my fault technical problem in setting my alarm clock.
It was 8.55a.m. Luckily when we arrived they were only warming up. The first thing I checked out for were not whether the session commenced or not but whether there were ANY GUYS THERE! Hmm...yup, I saw male figure. Wait, they were instructors. Ah...found. ~phew~~! Can walk in with relief.
The session wasn't what all of you thought to be: seminars dully, talk talk talk and end. Nop, most of the time we were able to get practice the moves...ahem of course cf and I partner la....
It was fun. They taught us basic moves from non-aggressive to aggressive moves. Dislodge from someone's grip to bringing down someone and disarm the attacker to learn how to fall safely.
3Ps and 3Ds that we need to be mind of.
Perception - be aware of the surroundings, look for people behaving suspiciously, don't sms-ing while walking
Proximity - maintain distance from others, 2-4meters if could,
Physical - get physical when threatened, the last thing you should ever do.
The 3Ds are actually the subsets of the last P.
And we can tried the moves on each other. Very pain! Especially the wrist. And geng ah, Cf get to push me down the mat without much force. Haha, don't mess with her wei...hehe.
At about 30minutes before the session end, we were given the opportunity to ask any scenario and they show us how to 3Ds. Here it is :
Demo --> <--
Demo2--> <--