Why? why? WHy?
Why everytime when i wanna step my foot on Malacca the historical town,it rains??
Am i d one who brings rain?
Am i d one who are so pityful till Malacca cried just for me?
Its so confusing...
Am i d one who are so pityful till Malacca cried just for me?
Its so confusing...
Yup i got d answer and obviously is Malacca cried for me.
Last thursday i went to Malacca alone by bus and was guided by my room mate who stays there.We went to A Farmosa and also to Pantai Kundur.Just a short visit and not much places tat i manage to go but it was a memorable day for me.Starring into d wide and unreached sea, its so windy and relaxing.Taking photos and also chit chatting wif my fren is really fun.I dunno whether u all will agree wif me o not but for me i think i am getting more gud looking by now.Its time for me to take lots of photos to be kept for my rememberance.And also to be shared wif u all here..Haha, ok ok..i know u all started to feel like vomiting and rolling ur eyes around and perhaps hav a smile on urface.Watever it is ,i just feel tat i gain back my confidence tat i lost once upon a time^.^......

Hey, u're getting more and more handsome for sure^^ I think tat too...juz that u dun believe my words only..anyway..I am the only one(in 38) that look all ur
Malacca photo, rite? U shud post more photos ler...^^ it looks nice..
i dun dare o...later u will say i perasan den no muscle la den pretend cool la and lots more la...i forgot wat u said tat day le...tats why i put a photo of my back only lo.the most gud looking part of me....Scared i kena tease again o....
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