It's about time I contribute a little now.
~jeng jeng jeng~

The other batch, Fit fit fai's car was in mishap too, but far less severe. The blind driver Fit fit fai reverse and knock on the sign board's post.

Yi Juin in confusion --->

~jeng jeng jeng~
19 years back, on the 23rd of March 1989, a cute little baby, named Thoo Kok Loon was borned out into this wonderful-amazing-mesmerizing-brilliant-fantastic-excellent-marvellous-great-incredible world. (sorry long time never use that, can't help it)
Never would this handsome baby with an enormous mouth width would thought that 19 years later on the day before his actual birthday he will be celebrating with a bunch of brilliant-fantastic-incredible friends he get to know in St John.
Never would he thought too that before the picnic session starts something even more shocking happened.
His friends (us) went there in 2 batches. The batch with Wei Loon was unfortunate. On the way to the location, there was a lorry from the opposite site carrying gravels was travelling fast. The road was narrow as it has only 2lanes. Gravels were falling out for the lorry and Yi Juin's car was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Gravels hit her window glass and....~preeeck!~ there goes her window glass, shattered! So did her heart. They must be freaking out from it.
The other batch, Fit fit fai's car was in mishap too, but far less severe. The blind driver Fit fit fai reverse and knock on the sign board's post.
The opening ceremony was quite an unexpecting one. But the good ones came right after. So they went into the woods and decided to start the fire in front of the pondok.
Those charcoals were extremely stubborn as it won't ignite. While waiting for it to set on fire, some of them went to snap some beautiful pictures and some went to the river to have some fun after a shocking, unplanned opening ceremony.
About the time when the charcoals were ready to blaze, mother nature were touched by their unity and shed her tears. It was their fate as most of their outings too touched mother nature. In short, ham pau lo.. Oh ya! Forgot to mention...19years back baby Kok Loon never would thought this could happen too.

There came Wei Loon, the charcoal saviour! Actually their stomach saviour.
It was 3pm, their stomach were growling...
atleast Fit fit fai's was.
Wei Loon figured out a way, Bbq at the corner of the pondok! Brilliant! Excellent! Bravo!
So even though mother nature shed her tears most of her time, they are undeterred because unity Rulez!
So they started to 'bbq' the food. Wild pig meat, chicken wings, hotdogs. Although the variety were scarse, Fit fit fai terpaksa la sapu jer. End up in the stomach some how right?
They were enjoying the food and the environment although it was raining. The food were delicious.
Yi Juin in confusion --->
Never would baby Kok Loon thought it would be that fun..(duh! he was a baby of course never thought of that la..just for fun only)
The rain never stops. They waited for the rain to go away even after they packed everything but still rains. It was 6.30pm. They had to go somehow to rush for the next scheduled activity. Actually, all the activities went on not as planned.
They run back to the car park through the woods.
Imagine(in slow-motion) Wei Loon ran 'dengan gayanya sekali' without any shelter..Siong Voon and Kok Loon holding the tikar like lion dance (minus the 'dong dong chang' music) and in the stomach of the lion were Ching Foong and Fit fit fai. Behind Kok Loon were Siao Huoy and Yi Juin using unbrella. They ran and going through the obstacles together...
As there were opening ceremony, for sure closing ceremony was something not to miss. Their bodies were all wet so they went to change their clothes.
Due to the rain, they drove to the toilet which was just about 100 metres away. So Wei Loon drove Yi Juin's car to the toilet. At the slope Wei Loon made a turn and ran over the divider. The still-attached shattered glass block the view while making the turn.
The fact that it was a slope, the divider was stuck below the car leaving the Side Skirt below the driver door damaged. Move forward will damaged the back section of the Side Skirt which was still attached. What to do, the 3 mang lam had to push the car back up. Want to know who's the 3 mang lam? ~jeng jeng~ Fit fit fai, Siong Voon and Kok Loon!
The car manage to go up. The Side Skirt and window glass were damaged. Yi Juin's heart was throbbing. A new car-parents went outstation-first day driving it-damage...OMG! Anyway, the car's fate will be known soon. Yi Juin will get them updated.
So they continue their journey to South City Plaza. How Cheh and Li Jia joined the dinner. Supposingly the dinner was steamboat, calamity struck, time was running out, they had to resolve to Wong Kok Char Chan Teng. Ahem..definitely sucks!
They had a great time there (not the food), chatted about their future bla bla bla. Then it was time for cake cutting.
And there it is ...the baby Kok Loon future story.
Fit fit fai
haha...wat a nice story...u go write novel la...bluek!!!!!!!!!!!11
hahaha ... thnx thnx ...
so nice of u to write all this ... thnx
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